Executive Coaching

The view from Mount Zas, Naxos, Greece - the birthplace of Zeus

Sam offers executive coaching to help you build your confidence, expand your horizons and transform your performance.

He offers a range of coaching services:

  • leadership coaching: to build your confidence, identify your personal goals and find ways to meet them;
  • emotional intelligence & resilience coaching: to boost your ability to deal with challenges and maximise your performance;
  • transitional coaching: to help you get to grips with a new role or situation;
  • career coaching: to identify the roles that would give you most satisfaction and find ways to achieve them;
  • application support: to help refine your CV and written applications and prepare you for interview so you can perform with maximum confidence.

Sam is a member of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council and subscribes to its Global Code of Ethics and Inclusion, Diversity and Equality (I,D&E) Statement.

He’s accredited to use the JCA (Occupational Psychologists) Ltd. emotional intelligence profiling model to provide coaching to boost your emotional intelligence and resilience.

Sam has been trained to use the transformational “clean language” coaching method by Carol Wilson.

Testimonials from coaching clients

I feel more assured about my existing strengths and abilities, with less of a tendency to drop back to negative thoughts about myself when things are not going to plan. … My line manager and other colleagues have commented on positive changes they have seen in me in the day-to-day working environment.

Sam gave me the confidence to go ahead with an application to be appointed Queen’s Counsel, which I would never have had without his positive approach.  He encouraged me to look at my strengths objectively, focus less on what I perceived as weaknesses and helped me to recognise how my weaknesses could be seen as opportunities or plus points.  He offered really practical advice about how to make the most of what I already had and gave me the courage to make the application.  He persuaded me that I wasn’t ‘faking it’ and that I ‘would make it’.  I’m so grateful for him turning a stressful process into a successful and positive outcome.

I particularly appreciated the practical steps that we came up with together – things which Sam really helped me commit to do (not just “I’ll try and do this next week” but a firm commitment to do it on a certain day).  That really suited my nature very well and helped me to achieve results quickly.

©Sam Whipple 2024. All rights reserved.